Follow Up story on Immigrants difficulty on establishing residency In United States.

A month ago a story was published about Immigrants Finding it Harder to Establish Residency in the United States. The story generated a lot of conversation on social media and others reached out through emails and direct messages to share their stories. Immigration has become one of the most sensitive topics to talk about in this country. Most immigrants come to this country in different ways, it is known that they are two types of immigrants in this country Legal and Illegal Immigrants others also identify them as documented or undocumented immigrants.

After a week of the publication being published tons if emails came through and it was very important to reach out to some of these people who were willing to share and talk about their journey. One story shared by Elma Gustas who was originally born and raised in Honduras to her story about how they had to walk for days without food and water to get to the border. “We walked for days and it was not an easy journey, we got to certain parts where we had to swim across a river to get to the other side, Elma said’ She was very emotional whiles talking about this journey. She also said she felt more disappointed after she had established her residency in the United States years after her arrival she was questioned about her status when she applied for a job. Her disappointed made her realize  Most Immigrants are in the U.S legally  something most Americans don’t know.  Her disappointment came when she had to a hiring manager that she had gone through all the right process and had every right to get a job without her being questioned about having legal documents.

Another interesting story that was shared by a twitter follower was on cyber dating, she wanted to relate to Mrs. Caroline Johnson-Amoah on how she was able to find true love through a dating app. Cyber dating has been around for a while and it has helped some people to find true  love. Whiles others have had a terrible experience for it and wish they never did. An article published by Alberto A. Ferdman on The truth about online dating according to someone who has been studying it for years discovered some deep stories on how it has affected people. One thing about cyber dating is that it has helped most people connect with others in different parts of the world. This has given online dating sites such as Tinder, Soulswipe, Blackpeoplemeet just to mention a few. Unbelievably social media has also become another way for cyber dating.


The purpose of most of these dating apps are to help people find others who have something in common with. Ranging from food, games, religion, culture etc. This has brought a lot of people together from a global point of communication where one can find a match in different countries.


As much as cyber dating sounds fun it has caused a lot of unexpected problems for a lot of people. In the continent of Africa, most people have found a way of raiding people in these online dating swindles. In Nigerian, it is popularly known as 419. This is an act of deceiving other people through online dating frauds and people have fallen as victims of this act. Morgan Easley shared a story about how she became a victim of such an act. She said she met a guy through Facebook 8 years ago and they stayed in contact for two months.

After those two months, they started having feelings for each other which led them to date. The guy gave his name as “Agu Kandu-Igbo” as much as they had fallen in love over the internet Easley did not bother to dig deeper to know if this person was real. They agreed Easley would take a trip from London to go visit Kandu in Nigeria. Before Morgan embarked on her trip Kandu had asked her to send him some money so he could get her a pleasant hotel, a car service and other luxurious things to make her trip an exciting one. So, Morgan agreed and sent Kandu £5000 ($6,365.50) to take care of all those things he had promised prior to her trip. Three days before she departed, she could not reach Kandu. He was not responding to her messages and then realized the Facebook account had been disabled. “I could not believe what was happening. I thought it was a dream but, it was not. I was shocked, devastated, hurt and disappointed, Morgan said.”

The project has opened up more dialogue on another level which hopes to bring more education to some United States citizens so they would be able to educate themselves when it comes to knowing what immigrants have to go through to get here and the challenges, they face establishing residency.