Black Lives Matter

#BlackLivesMatter. This phrase has been trending and has been under discussion among the people for the past couple of years and the reason behind this is the fact that many incidents have happened in which many black lives have been lost because of police brutality towards the black community.

Some people are also of the view that if the victims cooperate during interrogation with the law enforcement officers, a lot many lives can be saved. Whilst some say that it is just a hate crime declaring racism as its origin.

Such a heartbreaking incident happened few years ago, in 2012, in which Trayvon Benjamin Martin, a young and innocent teenager, was shot by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman and ended up losing his life. The killer lived his life without any repercussions to his inhumane deed just because of the fact that Martin was a black kid whereas Martin was accused to have killed himself, according to the post-humously.

After Trayvon Martin, 18-year old Mike Brown was also killed by the hands of a police officer and again this heartbreaking event went unnoticed by the eyes of the law. After that the Black community took a step to recognize their rights through the slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’, and have been working hard on the liberation of the Black people.

‘Black Lives Matter’ has become a global issue as many people are talking about it and this is definitely because of the benefits of social media where some people are also of the view that this issue will also fade like the others in the years to come.

People believe that the Black Lives Matter Movement is just a way of gaining attention by the black community, but others are also of the opinion that in this way an end can be brought to racism just like the slave trade ended years ago.

At the same time some people disagree to the above said notion and represent the outlook that the black community are also not careful as they end up into confrontations that lead to bad endings like someone losing his life. They think that black people also do not care about their lives and then face such repercussions in the end.

Here are some of the views that people gave regarding the hot issue ‘Black Lives Matter’.

“I had no idea what racism was and how big this issue was until I came here, to the United States to study,” said Nana Adjei.

Black Lives Matter Movement does not mean special to the countries that are used to having same skin tone and same culture, and they don’t experience such happenings in their locales.

Odei Anaan shared his views regarding racism and said, “Where I come from, we all are the same. I have read about racism that it is a big issue in the foreign countries but I never knew that it was THIS big an issue.”

Nowadays, many college students are striving to educate the youth on the Black Lives Matter issue.

According to them, it would be better to educate the younger generation about this issue to help them understand the situation. This may help relate them to it when they grow up.

These college students along with their professors are educating the youth especially the black youth to focus on their future by getting formal education and to be very determined in their lives so that they can build a safe future for themselves as well as for the generations to come.

Although this Black Lives Matter is still on the run, it is believed that the situation might change in the years to come for good.